current mood : moderate
current song : I think i'm in love with you by Mocca
current song : I think i'm in love with you by Mocca
Take a look at your friends the next time you are together. You might be at that person’s funeral some day. Or they might be at yours. One day, we’re all going to die.
But the most important thing is, in every meeting process, we get to know new ppl a.k.a strangers with different attitudes, and with different ideas too. Through out time, we make friends with these ppl so called 'strangers'--having fun together, spending splendid, precious moments together, and getting to know each other better.
But the most important thing is, in every meeting process, we get to know new ppl a.k.a strangers with different attitudes, and with different ideas too. Through out time, we make friends with these ppl so called 'strangers'--having fun together, spending splendid, precious moments together, and getting to know each other better.
And later, it's time for parting. We say good bye to our friends, wishing them the best of luck in their future undertakings and hoping to see each other again.
"it's okay, we only part to meet again." ~John Gray. [that's true. *smile ]
Look closely at your hands and realize that one day those will be a pair of old hands before you know it.
life is short, so make it sweet.
life is like an ice cream, enjoy before it melts.
but don't forget, we still have a long journey to go after we die. an eternal journey. be prepared!!
p/s : ukhuwwah itu indah jika bertemu dan berpisah krn Allah.. setuju??
sukela bace ape yg ko post.
all is true n fact, but people seldom notice it..tanpe kawan, sapelah kite..kawan mase susah, sukar dicari..tapi when we realise the precious time that won't be repeated, we'll appreciate every single moment with our friends..
-LIVE the LIFE to the FULLEST-
-no matter what happen, life has to move on-
MoViN! MoViN!
kemanisan berikhwan- rasa disayangi dan dilindungi.. kwn sejati ssh nk cari..
tp jgn lupa, di akhirat nnti, kita tetap sendiri, tnpa teman di sisi. Teman yg bergelar manusia mmg xde, tp jgn lupa, kita ttp bertemankan 'seseorg' yg sentiasa ada bersama kita tnpa kita sedari, itulah dia- AMAL KEBAJIKAN.
~ukhuwwah fillah!
mmg sonok bila ukhwah terjalin, bila bertemu dan berpisah kerana Allah lebih manis. yang penting dalam berkawan dan wat papa pun yang berkaitan ngan orang, hormat orang lain macammana kita nk orang hormat kita.
amal kebajikan kita jgn lupa as saham akhirat. so guna akal yang dikurniakan sebaiknya, malas nk komen byk2, amik masa renung2 kan
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