current song : keluarga bahagia by saujana
Syawal 2007. I remember it so clearly, as if it just happen like yesterday.
The feelings are still there, and I still feel sad, happy and miss every moment with him every time I think about it. *sigh
I covered all my feelings and let no one know what was going through my head. They didn’t know how sad I really was at that time during raya. I just kept thinking how it felt to have someone get so close be taken out of my life. I never dare to think that I might not ever see him again when the time comes. But i am really grateful+ thankful that he is still with us during syawal.
:: atok yang semakin uzur ::
Dia adalah 'HARTA' milik keluarga kami yg paling bernilai. *smile
He smiles sweetly like always. He’s speaking like the old times. He’s walking the best that he can. His spirit is like an angel. His courage is mightier than a lion.
p/s : looking forward to see him again during hari raya aidil adha!! [insha-allah..!!! ]
owh, org sg rengit rupenyer dak ni...
bile ko nk singgah umah aku?
ajal maut ditgn tuhan..
Insyallah, boleh jumpe nyer atuk ko lg...
doakan die spy berada dlm keadaan sihat dan bahagia la... =) atook ko yg umur 92 ke berape ntah..kan?betol tak?hmm..
whatever thing happen in life, it has to move on..setiap yg bernyawa pasti akan menghadapi kematian..
hiduplah sebagai org yg bahagia dgn
membahagiakan diri anda dan org disekeliling anda..kon2~! (^_~)
amad.. atok aku yg umor 92 tuh dh meninggal 10 thn lps laa..
atok yg nih aku xtau umor brapa.. tp ni jela harta famili aku yg tggl..
p/s : appreciate ur love ones bcoz we never know how much we love someone until they are gone..
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