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Sunday, May 10, 2009

:: My MoTher iS amAziNg ::

current mood : rindu kat mak
current song : Ummi by ahmed bukhatir

I am very thankful and words cannot express how grateful i am for still having my mother, here with me, my sisters, and my father. When i see other people who is not as fortunate as i am [for having a mother], i can see how much they miss their mother, or how much they want to have a mother on their own, it makes me feel sad and...the feeling is just indescribable...huhu

Ya Tuhan,
Please protect her while I am far away. Please protect her from anything bad, seen or unseen. Please lead her to only good things and please secure her place in heaven along with the people that You love.

[inspired by]
I just wanna say that, one of the reasons why I love my mother is, while all those people around admire/love me because of the extra ordinary things they see in me [ada ke?? haha] but she loves me all because of the ordinary things she found in me. When other people look down to me, while others giving their back, she will always be there for me.

No one could ever love me the way she does… because she is my mother. *smile
Happy Mother's Day...!!

mother by sami yusuf

ummi by ahmed bukhatir


Enajuis said...

That's a very touching video ^^

~rukia_kuchiki said...

yes, they are^^ they are my favs.

aramisz ``^_^ said...

samat ari ibu kepada sume ibu2...
saye syg ibu saye...^_^

ShOoT_mE said...

happy mother's day gak ima..
hehehe.. =P

~rukia_kuchiki said...

aramisz : saya syg ibu saya jg^^

shoot_me : weh, xkan wish je, blanje ah..ko kan nk jd anak mithali..heh

Kay.... said...

selamat study...

Unknown said...

aku dah 2 kali nmpk mak ko kt stesen bus ngn ko..ngeh3
da kenal laaa..kui3~
gmba kat blog pon byk ade mak ko.
bagus2.anak yg solehah =p

kHaiRuLdiN said...

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a berkata: Telah datang seorang laki-laki kepada Rasulullah saw lalu bertanya: “Siapakah manusia yang paling berhak untuk aku layani dengan sebaik mungkin?” Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Ibumu.” Orang itu bertanya lagi: “Kemudian siapa?” Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Kemudian ibumu.” Orang itu terus bertanya: “Kemudian siapa?” Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Kemudian ibumu.” Orang itu terus bertanya: “Kemudian siapa?” Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Kemudian ayahmu.” [HR. Bukhori, Muslim, Ibnu Majjah, Ahmad]

- Hormati dan sayangilah ibumu sementara dia masih ada -

~rukia_kuchiki said...

to khairuldin:
thanx atas peringatan n pengisian yg ringkas, tp bermakna ^^

