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Saturday, January 23, 2010

:: somEtimeS, we NeeD tO LoOk baCk ::

current mood: relax and serene [it's weekend...!!]
current song : Say thanks to Allah by Michael Jackson

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan berkatalah yang benar, nescaya Allah akan memperbaiki perbuatanmu serta mengampuni dosa-dosamu. Barangsiapa taat kepada Allah dan Rasulnya maka ia sungguh akan berbahagia dengan kebahagiaan yang agung."

I've been thinking lately, reflecting myself. Looking back on what I did, what I said, and what I saw. I learned a lot, and want to improve myself. We make mistakes, learn from it, move on, and improve. How do people make the right decision? Yes, they learn from the wrong decision that they made. That is called experience.

Got to go now...need to finish my internship report. [x tau nak tulis apa dlm report..*sigh]


aramisz ``^_^ said... juga tatau nk tulis ape dlm report...

~rukia_kuchiki said...

huhu... tu la psl.. idea ada, tp x tau cane nk tulih, haih

