current mood : happy, relieve [ no more midterm..!!! ]
current song : barsaat = rain hindustan siot..hehe
“Sesungguhnya Allah Taala apabila mencintai hamba-Nya
maka Dia mengujinya.”
(Hadis riwayat al-Tirmizi)
maka Dia mengujinya.”
(Hadis riwayat al-Tirmizi)
By referring to the above hadith, i guess that i have been tested by Allah s.w.t on how to manage my time with patient and determination.
For the past 2 weeks, i have been busy with midterm, assignment, my cousin's wedding... and it ended with a nice thing- hanging out with my close friends, we discuss a lot of things, and that include politics, global economy, marriage and not to miss, our studies.
Part 1: The Introduction
I'll start this post with my visit + my family to my cousin's wedding. The 'kenduri' was nice, simple, but happening. For malays, it is a tradition for us to include the 'sireh junjung' in the 'hantaran items'. Sireh junjung is very essential and important. Ignoring the sireh junjung will insult the family from the other side because it means that we do not respect and welcome them as the new member in the family...something like thatAs far as i remember, the task to make the sireh junjung was always being done by my uncles. Don't be surprise, because all the hantarans were solely made by my uncles.. they are the professional...!!! Unfortunately, this time i was chosen to do the remaining part of it, and i have no idea why they picked me. [kne buli..huhu]
With the help of one of my kind-hearted uncle, i managed to do it. [ thanx cik asan..!! u rawks..!! ]
Part 2:
i managed to finish reading this book, "thanks for the memories". It's from one of my favourite author, Cecelia Ahern. I read all her books, except the new one, 'The Gift'.
Can u meet ur soulmate after u donate your blood? only God knows. Part 3: Towards the end
Last night we went to ride the "Eye on Malaysia". The ticket can be considered cheap, RM8 = 6 rounds ride. Thanks to the student ID, we got the student discount. Only a few pictures were taken, but it's ok. It not the pics that matters, but the memories. kan? kan?
p/s : i will update more pics later.
Part 1:
perghhh, dh pandai wat gubahan la..
laa, tu bkn kena buli la,
tu utk amik berkat..
hehehe... :-p
part 2:
bley ke jumpe lepas donate blood.
aku dh berape kali donate blood, x jumpe pn.. huhuhu
Part 3:
xde kamera la..
xpe2, lain kali aku upah cameraman yer..
p/s: slamat hr raye..jgn sedey2 lak kt mlk ni... huhuhu
part 1: agaknye kalo bjaya buat sireh junjung tuh, dh bleh kawin x? haha
part 2: only God knows =)
part 3 : whoa.. nk upah cameraman tuh... upah aku sudey..hehe
p/s : selamat hari raya gak... huhu
sireh junjung?
ngak bisa ku mendengarnya.hehe..
ko yg duk sibuk ngn mjls kawen cousin ko,ha..ko bile lagi?jempot aku tau.kui3
emm..murahnye tiket eye on m'sia ye.ko g tme weekends ek?nape xbagi aku ikot skali..leh suh ko blnje eskrem =p
neway..ko smkn menawan..arghh..hahahaha
selamat beristirehat dihujung minggu.. =D
ko mmg amad.. x berkembang.. cuma tau mkn kt kenduri je..hehe
x ah.. aku gi weekdays.. weekend pon hrga sama gak.. yg jd murah tu sbb ada student id.
p/s: x yah la puji2.. aku tau apa niat ko...hahaha *gotcha
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