current song : Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again
April 10 will always be a very special day for me !!
This is a pleasant and happy day for me. It's my birthday!! *wide smile [alhamdulillah.. masih panjang umur]
So, I turned 23 that day. I don't think that's old. I probably won't start feeling "old" until I hit 90-ish. *wink
Everyone would have their own happy moments. Mine are my life journey for the past 23 years. It is all the blends of laughter, cries, achievements and failure.
But most importantly, my FAMILY and FRIENDS around me are the ingredients of the blends that shape my happy moments. Obviously, without God willing, there will be no "happy moments" in my life journey. alhamdulillah~
I wish for :
blue skies and clear days
exciting things to do
easy solutions to any problems
knowledge to make the right decisions
strength in my values
laughter and fun
goals to pursue
happiness in every thing i do
valuable experience as i follow my dreams
buat aku tersenyum~
blue skies and clear days
exciting things to do
easy solutions to any problems
knowledge to make the right decisions
strength in my values
laughter and fun
goals to pursue
happiness in every thing i do
valuable experience as i follow my dreams
“Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be,
cause you have only one life and one chance to do all the things that you want in life
but make sure you have GOD in your life!”
cause you have only one life and one chance to do all the things that you want in life
but make sure you have GOD in your life!”
ALLAH The One and Only GOD knows the best! "
p/s : thanx a lot kenkawan for the surprise... *smile
8 comments: sedap jek cake tuh.i mean both . .heheh post sket kt org2 cyber .uhuhu..
btw that books is a gift from me and k ara. no worries u dun have to pay for it. so pasni x yah nak add akak nak antar byrn lak tau.hihihi~
ops lupe lak..btw cantik laa lukisan tuh.sape yek yg lukis??
cik sundaeCone:
iye ke?? serius?? thanx a lot korg!! hadiah paling best ni..hehe
nnti dh smpai ima btau..
[cepat la sampai wahai buku...]
lukisan tuh?? fr 3 budak sengal tuh la- syaiful, azmin ,shafiq.
yg lukis tuh syaiful, kaler ngan crayon.
lawak gila lukisan tuh. ima tmpal kt dinding tepi katil. [buat aku tersenyum..haha]
lawa giler lukisan tu, yg lukis tu mesti macho, hensem + bergaya...
Hope this become one of the precious moment in ur life..
sori sbb x dpt nk celebrate lame2..
"masa sering berlalu tanpa menunggu kita, tetapi ia selalu meninggalkn kenangan pd diri kite".. =)
"macho, hensem + bergaya"
statement angkat bakul paling poyo di abad ini..haha
thanx for the memory, it's not the gifts or celebration that counts, its the thought behind it.. =)
buat aku tersenyum~
hat sengal ni la payah nk jumpa. cr la satu dunia tak jumpa org2 cenggini
sorry lambat wish..
dah 10 hari lambat!
happy belated birthday~
moga panjang umor,murah rezki! :D
finalz sgt2 hampir.tapi esemen menggunung yg lebih tinggi dr gunung kinabalu.hehe..jgn malas2 yep.all da best!
nimza : thnx byk2..ehe
amad : thnx for da wish..walopon dh 'lemau' ahaha
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