I love to read. It's my way of escaping for a while into another world. I enjoy reading books, magazines, online reading materials, it makes you wise, it gives you insight, empathy, and the list goes on...
but lately i'm too busy, and failed to escape for a while to read.
Reading is also my sleeping tablet,I can't get to sleep unless I read,doesn't matter how tired I am.
I've always love reading a good horror or thriller, something that makes me wanting to keep reading. Comparative religion, world isues, health, and cooking are also my favourite genre. They keep my feet on the ground. They open my eyes. They make me think and realise how the world and things around me are changing.
Sometimes I read romance novels and fairy tales. Fairy tales never happen. And if it's too good to be true, it is probably not true...
-What was the last book you actually read and why did you decide to read this book?
p/s :Bacalah dengan nama Tuhan yg menciptakan...!!! *smile
read something informative especially sth regarding life!
very hard to find time to read those material rite now
rajinnye shinigami baca buku~
kaji psl clan2 lain kah?ahaha..
dulu motivator kat skolah aku ckp - set in mind that reading is fun!
tapi mmg masyarakat kte susah nak pupuk budaya nih..tapi takpe,asal kte start dulu,insyALLAH yg lain akan ikot. :D
nimza.. aku tgh sibuk cari buku "When marsian and venusian collapse"... tuh smbungan drpd "women are from mars and men are from venus".. x jumpa..huhu
ehehe.. mmg aku ske baca buku.. meh kita kaji cane nk mantapkan reiatsu kita...spaya dpt kalahkan espada!! *smile
aku tau pasai buku tu, aku pernah nmpk kat popular jj rasanya
buku yg "marsian collapse with venusian" ade la kt popular JJ.
try la cr..
bgs la, byk membc..
aku ni, nk abis kn satu novel pn, beberapa kali t'tido..
n, menjawab pd soalan terakhir kt entry ko ni..
buku terakhir aku bc ialah buku "measurement & instrumental" sbb kena wat assign..
nimza: iye eh?? apsal aku x prasan? hmm..apa lg..serbu jj la pasni..hehe
shoot me : alamak.. dia baca buku academic la plak..haha
tau la rajin stadi =p
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